eBook: Mobile Payments

eBook: Mobile Payments

Let’s face it, the traditional processes surrounding the acceptance, processing and management of B2B accounts receivable (A/R) operations are slow, inefficient and expensive. But, both times and technology are changing, giving businesses an opportunity to revamp their processes to be more effective and efficient than ever before.

With consumer reliance on mobile technology growing by the day, combined with increased mobile adoption by businesses, mobile is the next great wave of payment technology for traditional receivable processes.

Download This eBook to Learn How Mobile Payment Solutions Can Help Your Business:

  • Leverage mobile remote deposit capture (mRDC) to accelerate check acceptance and processing
  • Make the move to mobile invoice presentment
  • Accept multiple payment methods to meet customer needs
  • Improve transaction security
  • Optimize the integration and consolidation of legacy payment systems to pave your way to success

Who Should Get This eBook?

In this free eBook, learn 5 essential tips to help prepare your business for adopting mobile payments within your existing receivables mix. This eBook is designed for any business of any size that is evaluating adopting mobile payment solutions across their front and back-office A/R processing.

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eBook: Mobile Payments

Let’s face it, the traditional processes surrounding the acceptance, processing and management of B2B accounts receivable (A/R) operations are slow, inefficient and expensive. But, both times and technology are changing, giving businesses an opportunity to revamp their processes to be more effective and efficient than ever before.

With consumer reliance on mobile technology growing by the day, combined with increased mobile adoption by businesses, mobile is the next great wave of payment technology for traditional receivable processes.

Download This eBook to Learn How Mobile Payment Solutions Can Help Your Business:

  • Leverage mobile remote deposit capture (mRDC) to accelerate check acceptance and processing
  • Make the move to mobile invoice presentment
  • Accept multiple payment methods to meet customer needs
  • Improve transaction security
  • Optimize the integration and consolidation of legacy payment systems to pave your way to success

Who Should Get This eBook?

In this free eBook, learn 5 essential tips to help prepare your business for adopting mobile payments within your existing receivables mix. This eBook is designed for any business of any size that is evaluating adopting mobile payment solutions across their front and back-office A/R processing.

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